Northeast Ohio Erb–Duchenne Palsy Lawsuits
Erb's palsy is usually the result of a brachial plexus birth injury and can result in permanent harm to the hand, arm and/or shoulder. In many cases these types of injuries can be prevented. Improvements can be made through medical treatment and physical therapy; however, these injuries are generally permanent in nature.
Erb's palsy can be caused by the pulling or pushing of a child during child birth. It can lead to significant disability, disfigurement and complications, including:
- An arm that is shorter than normal
- An elbow that is permanently flexed
- Severe atrophy of the arm
- Non functioning hand
The best way to prevent Erb's palsy is through early detection and performance of a c-section. There are risk factors that can be identified with Erb's palsy, including obese/small mothers, significant weight gain during pregnancy and high fetus weight.
One-fifth of Erb's palsy cases require surgical intervention to reconnect nerves. There can also be significant medical costs through different therapies. Early detection can help maximize recovery.
If your child is suffering from any of the following symptoms it is important that you contact your pediatrician immediately:
- Difficulty or inability to move their arm or hand
- No feeling, paralysis or inability to control their arm or hand
- Facial paralysis
- Difficulty crawling or sitting at an advanced age
If you have a child that has been diagnosed with Erb's Palsy and you suspect that it may be due to obstetrical or medical malpractice please contact one of our experienced lawyers to review your case. We will make all efforts to obtain compensation to assist in your family's future.
Our Cleveland Ohio Erb's Palsy Injury Lawyers are here to help.